Monday, September 26, 2011

PoP day 5. this sunday was sacred

patrick watson's sacred sunday at the ukrainien federation was, once more, one of my pop highlights.
some of the most talented musicians around joined in, including l'il andy, joe grass, brad barr, mishka stein, robbie kuster, katie moore, warren c. spicer, the brothers farr, alden penner, amy millan, ariel engle and special guest babu das baul.

great sunday! spiritual, beautiful and amazing!

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Sunday, September 25, 2011

PoP day 4 pick of the day

METZ! barfly at 1am.
sweaty, packed, loud. shooting from top of piled up gear side stage.  what rock should be.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

PoP day 3

highlights: ponderosa stomp with l'il buck and ralph 'soul' jackson, the powerful beauty of merrill garbus of tUnE-yArDs, and graham, the magnificent miracle fortress!

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